A truly great take on the Madness concept. You really made it your own with this. A great use of music and smooth graphics made it an enjoyable watch, front page and collection worthy.
A truly great take on the Madness concept. You really made it your own with this. A great use of music and smooth graphics made it an enjoyable watch, front page and collection worthy.
The animation was amazing and really smooth and very well done. You have a real talent in flash as this submission further proves. I really liked the use of sound in this, even with no vocals the story is portrayed to the viewer perfectly. Great Job, really enjoyable.
Graphic wise it wasn't at all bad. The text was a little hard to read however and could have done with being much larger. I also think a few more sounds could be added in and a bit more dialog. Overall 4/10
Good job! I could see that being used as a real Red Bull advert.
This wasn't the worst i have seen. Some of the spelling was off in places which should be tweaked. Animation was fine and a good plot.
Not bad
For a sprite movie this is ok, the only thing i want to say is maybe you could speed things up a little. The animation is quite slow at times and makes the whole story slow down. Other than that you have done a good job!
i know it was 12 fps.... my next is 25 is dat alright?
This is great! I was laughing the whole way through. You really have some comedy talent my friends, also the effects added with LS maker worked really well and were added just perfectley. I'd love it if you made some more like this! Good job
I'm happy you enjoyed it! Trust me this isn't really good acting though. We act much better, but we were just trying to set up the view of bad acting for a reason in this one. Thanks for the praise and the review.
This is just amazing. A really great way to tell a story, and what a story it is! Your characters are perfect and could be almost be real, the background music fits like a glove and sets the scene well. This has to be one of the best submissions to NG i have seen all year. It has alsi inspired me to finish my own Sci-Fi story i have recently abandoned so i thank you your that. In a nutshell..Well done sir! (This is going straight to my favs) Great work.
I make beats, write crappy comic books and play games.
Joined on 5/26/03