god like
I bow dopwn to you my friend that sent shivers down my spine very powerfull stuff you rule!
god like
I bow dopwn to you my friend that sent shivers down my spine very powerfull stuff you rule!
that was ermm..well diffrent good job very hard hitting flash great graphics and sound.
100% Talent
I can see your Brackenwood animations going far in the animation world you have really raised the bar.
Still Loving Waterman
This episode was fantastic its plain to see that a ton of effort was put into the making of this episode and it payed off very good job keep up the great work i hope to see many more Waterman episodes in the near future. I also want my own Professor Hootington.
That was pretty funny stuff good graphics too the sound could have been a bit clearer but hey who am i to judge?
It made me.....
Laugh a hell of a lot the pucnh bag and car ones were great good job.
This episode was good i like all your stuff i thin the first two reaper shows were the best i just couldent get into thid one. Anyways good job keep it up. You got my 4.
I make beats, write crappy comic books and play games.
Joined on 5/26/03